" I have received all letters which were sent by or through you. May the dissents and cleavages not frighten you. It is really a pity, but what can we possibly do when WE OURSELVES ARE BULGARIANS and all suffer from the same disease! If this disease had not existed in our forefathers who passed it on to us, we wouldn’t have fallen under the ugly sceptre of the Turkish sultans…"
Letter from Bulgarian revolutionary hero, Goce Delchev* to Nikola Maleshevski^ May 1, 1899, Sofia, Bulgaria |
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I want to see:
> Maps of Greece and the Balkans region |
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM):
Did you know that prior to 1944, today's FYROM was called Vardaska?
Maps of "Vardarska Banovina" (pre-1944)
Official Map of Yugoslavia's provinces
Source: Jugoslavologija |
German Source: Raspad.info
Croatian Source: CroatianViewpoint.com
"Vardarska Banovina" on Yugoslavia stamps (pre-1944)
Stamp: "Vardarska"
Source: YouTube Video (BVS) |
Stamp: "Vardarska Banovina" (Cyrillic script)
Source: YouTube Video (BVS) |
Stamp: "Vardarska Banovina" (Cyrillic script)
Source: YouTube Video (BVS) |
After 1944: Tito's revised borders of Yugoslavia and the creation of a "Macedonian state" within Yugoslavia.
Borders within Yugoslavia realigned and the appearance of the term "Macedonia" in Yugoslavia
German Source: Raspad.info FACT:
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
United Nations (2007 edition): UN.org FYROM is the official UN term for this state due to the dispute. FACT:
Current maps of the "Republic of Macedonia."
Although the country is not officially recognized as the "Republic of Macedonia" by the UN or any other international organization, Skopje insists in pushing their agenda that the Republic of Macedonia has always "pre-existed" with this name since antiquity and that Greece is in the wrong as it pertains to the name issue. Further, to give legitimacy to their cause, the Skopje government has systematically usurped Greek history and ancient figures and portray the Slavic nation as the legitimate heirs to Macedonia while demonizing Greece in the international arena. |
Other items of interest for pre-1944 Yugoslavia
Note: the non-existence of a distinct "Macedonian" ethnicity.
1910 Russian letter regarding the "Pan-Slavic Movement" calling for unity of all Slavs: Russians, Bulgarians and Serbians. Missing from the call to unity was the then non-existent "ethnic Macedonians" who in 1910 Ottoman Europe were part of the Bulgarian nation.
Source: Ebay (Seller: Sigedon) / Aug 28, 2013 |
1923 history book: "BALKANS: Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia and Montenegro." Ten years after the liberation of the Balkans, English author William Miller published this book.
Source: Ebay (Seller: pol365) / Aug 28, 2013 |
"Vardar" cigarette box pre 1944.
Source: Ebay (Seller: phila07) / Aug. 28, 2013 |
* Goce Delchev is one of many Bulgarian revolutionary heroes that has been dubbed "Macedonian" by Skopje as part of the propaganda and is also honoured in the former Yugoslav Republic as a national hero.